Shot Blasting Machine In Automobile Industry

Shot Blasting Machine In Automobile Industry

Shot Blasting Machine in Automobile Industry are mostly used for anti-rust treatment, relieving steel plate stress, identifying work piece faults early on, and removing welding slag. The steel plate used for the car body needs to be shot blasted especially well. When compared to regular steel plate, the anti-rust coating grade of the steel plate used for shot blasting is significantly improved.

The shot blasting machine for car wheels is a shot blasting tool for aluminum alloy wheels. In order to achieve a uniform metallic sheen and enhance the quality and anti-corrosion performance of the steel coating, it is possible to apply strong shot blasting to the work piece’s original condition surface and remove the rust layer, welding slag, and oxide scale from it.

This machine runs on a high-function Continuous Shot Blasting Machine for nonstop feeding. The whole body receives striking and friction of intense abrasives from four different coordinates when the steel structure products or steel are sent into the abrasive area of the cleaning machine room during the cleaning process. This causes the rust layer and the dirt on it to quickly fall off, and the steel obtains a bright surface with a certain roughness.

Shot Blasting Machine Manufacturers

Our industry is the top Shot Blasting Machine Manufacturers in India. We have been manufacturing various types of shot blasting gear in India in accordance with our customs' requirements and exporting the gear to a number of industries, including the casting, forging, and aluminum casting sectors.

We provide machines with movable turntables in addition to conventional shot blasting machines with one or two turntables. These models enable the loading of new components while older ones are still being processed, which reduces processing times.

We are a well-known manufacturer of premium abrasives for machinery, including glass beads, Copper Slag, garnet sand, steel shot, Steel Grit, and aluminum oxide.


Shot Blasting Machine Price in India 

We offer the best Shot Blasting Machine Price in India as one of the top Shot Blasting Machine Manufacturers in the industry. Following a market analysis, these machines are constructed using quality-assured steel and other materials purchased from accredited vendors. Our goods are all well-known in the industry for their dimensional stability, exquisite finish, and high strength, ease of upkeep, prolonged lifespans, and resistance to corrosion.

Additionally, we offer several different types of abrasive media and blasting machines, including Sand Blasting Machine, grit blasting machine, granite engraving machine, sandblasting rooms, sandblasting cabinets, pressure blasting cabinets, wet blasting cabinets, and suction blasting cabinets. Abrasive materials such as Glass Beads, steel grit, quartz sand, garnet sand, copper slag, Aluminum Oxide, and silicon carbide.


Shot Blasting Machine Applications

There are so many Shot  Blasting Machine Applications. Some applications are listed here:

Shot blasting is the process of cleaning surfaces like iron, steel, cast-iron parts, forgings, rusted pipes, iron bars, engine, and automotive parts by blasting steel shots or steel grits at extremely high velocity using the centrifugal force produced by high speed rotating disc in a shot blasting machine. A shot blasting machine can also alter the mechanical properties of some parts, improving the parts' resistance to wear for things like springs and gears.

Shot blasting is commonly referred to as "dustless blasting" since it is far more environmentally friendly and produces much less dust than sandblasting. All of the dust generated during the blasting process stays inside the chamber since a shot blasting machine is akin to a closed chamber, protecting the surrounding area from damage. Mini Shot Blasting Machine is offered for sale in India at a competitive price by the best manufacturer of shot blasting equipment.